
As a learning therapist, the core of my personal input is to focus on the children's strengths. Appreciation, confidence and trust in the ability to develop determine my relationship with the children. Understanding thinking process and looking for methods of resolution together is part of the basis of my work. My goal is to lead children out of a downward spiral into an upward spiral. The experience in my own family environment was a guide to a mindful attitude.

Academic qualification

  • Master of Arts (M.A.) - Integrative learning therapy, resource management for learning and development promotion in infancy and adolescence, TU Chemnitz
  • Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) - Integrative learning therapy, resource management for learning and development support in infancy and adolescence, TU Chemnitz

Professional qualification

  • Graduate dyslexia trainer, first Austrian umbrella organisation dyslexia
  • Advanced training autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation
  • Member of the professional association for integrative learning therapy (FiL, Berlin)
  • Member of the professional association BLT, Berlin
  • Voluntary work, founding member of the "upward spiral" booster club