
Clearing the way together

If your child has impairments at school or outside of school I will be happy to advise and support you.

My concern is to understand the current situation of your child so that I can then show you my options for help.

  • Comprehensive parent counselling – free space for narration
  • Course of development / previous progression
  • Joint inspection of diagnostics
  • Measures already performed
  • What impairments, problems are present
  • Planning of assistance
  • Development and learning opportunities
  • Your child's resources - looking for strengths instead of mistakes

Since we can only lead your child to the desired success together, in mutual cooperation, we set goals and discuss the development as well as the measures that are helpful for your child.

Your request and the first conversation to get to know your situation are confidential, free of charge and non-binding.

Would you like more information?

I would be happy to clarify all of your questions in a personal meeting – confidentially and without obligation.

Contact us